
Last Harvest Mission

Welcome to the Last Harvest Mission.

Our mission is to prepare the Church for the return of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ according to Ephesians 5:27

About us


The Visionary

Pastor Louison Tunasi was born in the beautiful town of Goma located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. During his high school career, his family relocated to the country's capital, Kinshasa, where he acquired his high school qualification. In 1994, the not-yet-converted Tunasi decided to attend a prayer service for the sole purpose of protecting his beautiful young cousin from unwanted, manly attention. Little did he know that the LORD Jesus Christ had an appointment with him there. During the service, he encountered God's love so powerfully that he was never the same again. On that seemingly ordinary day, Louison Tunasi became a born-again follower of Christ Jesus. From that time onward, a burning fire for Christ and a deep love for souls had started within him. Soon after, the LORD called him to ministry, after showing him a vision of the Last Harvest (La Dernière Moisson). He promptly said yes to the LORD's call and continued to serve Him wholeheartedly, believing God for the next step.

He then met a beautiful lady with as much love for Christ as he had. She turned out to be the love of his life and by June 2006, Christine Tunasi became his wife. From that blissful union came two delightful daughters, Yohali and Yasmina. While working in one of the biggest networking companies in DRC, the LORD asked him to quit his job and enter full-time ministry. Without delay, he resigned from his well-paid job and obeyed to God's voice, while trusting God to provide for his family.

In 2011, his spiritual father and mentor, Jacques A. Vernaud, acknowledging the call upon his son's life, sent him to Cape Town, South Africa in order to study at the Global School of Theology. Soon after, his wife and children joined him to South Africa where La Borne Church Cape Town saw the light of day on the 3rd March 2013, under the banner of the Last Harvest Mission. Today, by the Grace of God, La Borne Church has many daughter churches. The La Borne family is still getting bigger as it is only a matter of time until more branches are added to this divine enterprise.


More about us

2 years after saying yes to the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Louison Tunasi had a vision of the Last Harvest. In this vision, the Lord asked him to prepare the Body of Christ for the return of Jesus. A Church without spot or wrinkle, according to Ephesians 5:27.

To this end, Pastor Louison set about training servants and accompanying them in the fulfillment of this vision through the planting of several churches.

As a result, a revival movement began in many parts of the world, including South Africa, the DRC, Gabon Canada, and the Congo, among many others.